Brody Lineaweaver is an 19-year-old performer from Breckenridge, Colorado, who is currently attending New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in Manhattan, New York. Throughout his twelve-year career, he has been taught by many talented and brilliant artists who have inspired him to always strive for greatness. The opportunity to be raised on stage is the greatest privilege he has received in his life and has defined his growth beyond the theatre. So far, his journey in this industry has been one of love, euphoria, achievement, and passion beyond measure, and he couldn't be more grateful. Theatre didn't just show him who he was; it showed him everything he could be.
Brody has been acting professionally his whole life, starring in his first show at six years old. Throughout his career, he's been a part of 25+ full-scale professional stage productions and 25+ assorted professional film, commercial, print, cabaret, concert, and choral projects. He's won a BroadwayWorld award for Best Supporting Actor, has had a nomination for Best Youth Actor on BroadwayWorld, and has been part of a Henry Award-winning Best Musical. However, his most outstanding achievement has been getting admitted to NYU's class of 2027, fulfilling his childhood dream to attend Tisch School of the Arts.
Brody is a firm believer in the ideology that performers become immortal through their portrayals of characters in audiences' minds. Every word or note delivered to an eager crowd adds a performer's voice to the ages. Brody believes the stories we tell have the power to move mountains, change minds, and help us realize hope where it's lost. He brings the concept that his words hold power to every project that he does and is committed to surrendering his heart and soul to his work so that his voice might join the choir of actors in immortality through their work.
Thank you for being a part of his journey!